Decaf – Colombia
Tastes Like: Vanilla, Gingersnap, Cantaloupe
This Decaf Coffee is from the southern region of Huila, in the town of Pitalito. Our decaffeinated coffees meet the same high-quality standards required of all goodboybob coffees. This coffee was decaffeinated using the Sugarcane Ethyl Acetate process. Using an extract from sugarcane production, the caffeine is naturally extracted from green coffee, while retaining all the compounds that contribute aromatics and beautiful flavor notes.
It is an exceptionally sweet, round, and syrupy coffee that tastes great brewed as a drip and in the espresso machine.
Country/ Region: Colombia, Pitalito
Varieties: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
Processing: Washed, decaffeinated with the Sugarcane Ethyl Acetate process
Altitude: 1500-1800 masl
Brew Method: Drip/Espresso